CMT my role: Sr. Software Engineer. I am working on company private B2B Web systems. Python
RallyPoint my role: Sr. Software Engineer. I was working with Ruby on Rails application ( military social network )
United Domains Front-End AngularJS application my role:AngularJS Front-end JavaScript
application which is building shoppinng cart, search result and it does multi
connection search by back-end application.
(I've used also Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap3, jQuery, JavaScript)
domain search
United Domains my role: Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap3, jQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, AJAX, BackboneJS,
implementation different APIs, E-commerce, Shopping Cart|
Architecture database, PHP5, MySQL application,
Smarty templates
Approach my role: Graphic design | xHtml, CSS coding, jQuery, JavaScript |
Architecture database, PHP 5, MySQL application |
Smarty templates, mod_rewrite |
All URLs are dynamic, back-end
ZnaiKak This is social network of people to share knowledge. (Web2.0 , multiuser blogs)
my role: PHP 5, MySQL, front-end, back-end